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Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) .who is Muhammad (Sm)??


Hazrat Muhammad (Sm)

 who is Muhammad (Sm)?

 Introduction : Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is the greatest and last prophet in the world. He preached Islam, the religion of peace and welfare. The solution for humanity Allah has directly sent message to him.


 Birth and boyhood :  Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was born in the famous Hashemi tribe of the Quraish dynasty in Mecca in 570 AD. His father's name was Abdullah and Amina was his mother. He was an orphan. His father died before his birth. His mother also died in his -childhood. So Halima brought him up. Halima was his fostermother. From 'his very childhood he was called Al-Amin. Al-Amin means faithful. He never told a lie. He tried to help the people in distress. Everybody believed him. Everybody loved him.


In youth : The Arabian society was very dirty and barbarian. At that time, killing, robbery, injustice and barbarism were everywhere in Arab. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) thought how to remove that barbarism. He often spent time in the cave of Hera in deep meditation. At the age of forty Allah revealed the first verse of the Holy Quran on him. When he was in Hera Guha in meditation. Then he began to preach Islam. Then the people of Mecca could not tolerate him. They made a conspiracy to kill him.


 Hizrat and his life at Medina : He tried his best to preach Islam in Mecca but the environment of Mecca was unfavourable. So at last he shifted to Medina acconding to Allah's order in 622 AD.

The people of Medina received him cordially. He established there an Islamic state. At last, he conquered Mecca and extended Islamic kingdom all over the Arab states.


 Conclusion: Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was the last Prophet of Islam. He was a perfect man. He practically showed, Islam in his life.

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